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Some may not know that Dave Goode started his company right out of high school, while his friends were headed off to college Dave was innovating and making the products we use today. He was concentrated on his athletic goals of being on the U.S. Ski Team, specializing in downhill. He was a skier both on snow and on the water and his passions run deep, they were part of his soul. This extreme passion lead him to innovate and drove his commitment to making the best possible products for athletes and skiers of all levels on snow and water.

After the tragic accident that took Dave's life on January 15, 2020 the company sat still in grief but we never once thought that we would not carry on Dave's hard work, passion and commitment to the snow and water skiing worlds. "Your ministry is found where you've been broken. Your testimony is found where you've been restored" unknown. While we will never be fully restored or the same without Dave, we will always be the same in carrying on his innovation, passion and commitment. Thankfully Dave has cultivated a community of loyal, intelligent and committed people to help carry the business into the future. Most importantly, his wife Dawn who is now running the company with confidence, organization and has built a team around her that is loyal, committed and experienced. Goode Ski Technologies is confidently committed to the future.

Dave was always confident in his innovative decisions and the company will move forward with that same confidence.




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